"Photo Ladies" Photography Challenge

Are you a photography enthusiast and/or photographer wannabe, like me?  Have you ever wanted to learn how to take better pictures?  I DO.

I don’t necessarily want to pay to learn how to use my DSLR.  (Far too many other projects to fund, hee-hee)  I’m not trying to make a career out of photography anyway.  It’s merely something I enjoy doing.  That’s why I jump on every opportunity to learn for free.

One of my fellow blogger friends Mrs. Tee, a.k.a. Tiffany, writer of the blog mrsteelovelifelaughter.com recently joined a photography group challenge.  This group focuses on learning techniques and the basics of using a DSLR camera.   

Hey, I have a DSLR camera that I could become better acquainted with!!!

Teresa at the blog Crafty Wife is hosting this group called Photo Ladies, a monthly photography challenge.  Each month she will send out a challenge.  We take our photos and openly share them on the Flickr group account. 

This is going to be quite the challenge.  I feel so lost when I whip out my Canon.  It’s much easier to take my smart phone and snap a quick pic.  Using my DSLR is such a job, especially since I know so little.  I forget how ISO, aperture, and shutter speed affect a picture. Really frustrating, when I want to capture a moment.
Of course we aren’t flying solo on our endeavors.  We will be following along with photography tutorials and lessons from nobadfoto.com.  It is free.  But admittedly, this challenge is going to be work on my part.  I actually have to rely on my DLSR and the techniques I learn.  At least by joining the Photo Ladies, I won’t be learning everything on my own.  And constructive criticism is great feedback.

A support group for newbs!

I’m looking forward to meeting some new peeps in the photography world, and seeing what kind of moments they capture during this challenge.

Let’s do this! 

(If interested, it may not be too late to join.  Contact Teresa now!)

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